Schwab Hall
Saint Francis University
Founded in 1847, Saint Francis University is located in the Laurel Highlands of Western Pennsylvania. MCF has worked with the University for a number of years, starting with the Master Plan published in 2001, and updated in 2009. Most recently MCF designed an addition and renovation to Schwab Hall. Built in 1930, the 24,766-square-foot building is now the new home for the University’s Shields School of Business. Schwab Hall construction was completed in September 2016 and cost $5.9 million. MCF designed flexible state-of-the-art classrooms of various styles, seminar space, and areas designed for group work and collaboration. In addition, the building provides a cafe, computer lab, and faculty offices. MCF was able to overcome the challenges posed in the demolition of the interior masonry bearing walls which allowed for the center core of the building to open up. This provides the openness and areas for student collaboration so important on today’s campuses, and succeeded in bringing a new vibrancy to this historic campus building.

Loretto, PA
Project Title
24,766 sqft.
State of the Art Classrooms
Seminar Space
Historic Building
Business & Economics Hub
Historic Value
Quality Construction
Integrated Technology
Collaborative Teaching & Work Spaces