JoAnne Woodyard Boyle Health Sciences Center
Seton Hill University
The $18.3 million, 56,000 gross square-foot project, completed in the fall of 2015, includes the Exercise Sciences, Physicians Assistant, Biology, Chemistry, Nutrition, and Dietetics departments and programs. Joined to the existing science building, Lynch Hall, by a dramatic four-story atrium, the design acts as a beacon to all students to join the health sciences with their educational spirit. The facility includes clinical and research labs, exercise science rooms, shared classrooms, a cadaver lab, dining, and much-desired student collaboration space. The building was named in honor of Seton Hill’s former President, Joanne Woodyard Boyle. A passionate advocate for a liberal arts education, her vision was incorporated into the Center’s design.

Greensberg, PA
Project Title
New Construction
56,000 sqft.
Glass Atrium
Interdisciplinary Learning Center
Foster Research Environment
Science on Display
Create a Sustainable Campus
Provide a Healthy Work Environment
Campus Connectivity
Impromptu Interactions
4-Story Atrium Gateway adjoined to Lynch Hall
Health Science & Exercise Sciences Rooms
Department & Faculty Office
Flexible Classrooms
Clinical & Research Labs